Category Archives: Peace Corps Experience

Old Harbour

Dear sweet Friends and Family, I have been somewhat silent for sometime now because I have been very busy and the library where I use the internet to write you is not in the town that I live in. For … Continue reading

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Friendly people, spicy food!

Dear Family and Friends, Thank you all for your letters and prayers 🙂 -they are gratefully recieved. I am, as always, having a good time. Jamaica is so much more than I could possibly imagine when I was back in … Continue reading

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Meeting homestay families today

Dear Family and Friends, The supposed hurricane was nothing. we didn’t even get the slightest bit of heavy rains. mostly mist. My assignment is “water sanitation/hygene education,” but don’t ask yet what that means. Today, we will be going to … Continue reading

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Arrived Safely

Dear loved Friends and Family, I did arrive safely and am having a good time… I was not charged at all for my overweight luggage–everything went very smoothly. DON’T BE ALARMED, but you should know that today there is a … Continue reading

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Our welcome dinner

Dear Friends and Family, I have arrived safely and am having a GREAT time!! last night, we had a welcome dinner and the kingston drummers performed for us. they entered the room singing “sho-la-zo-sha” or something like that–one of my … Continue reading

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On our way to Jamaica!

dear loved friends and family, Tomarrow at 6:30 am we will check out of the omni colonade hotel–all 77 of us. At 11:00 our flight will be lifting off and at 11:48 am will will land in our new home, … Continue reading

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