Category Archives: Christian Science

Prayers for the world and Jill Carroll

I pray that the world will acknowledge that indeed, as the founder of The Christian Science Monitor, Mary Baker Eddy said, “Truth is always the victor” and “Love is impartial and universal in its adaptation and bestowals.” (Copy and … Continue reading

Posted in Rise in the "Strength of Spirit" | 1 Comment

Hey Friends, The TMC Youth is a great place to start in thinking about the future of our movement and how young people can contribute towards its prosperity and be blessed by it at the same time. The link: … Continue reading

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What is Christian Science?

Christian Science is the willingness to be God’s servent. It is understanding that good is actually the only reality –that God, good, is the only power and evil has no power since God is All in all. This is articulated … Continue reading

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New Group Forming

Dearest Friends, There is a new group forming for twenty and thirty something Christian Scientists in the San Francisco Bay Area. The idea is to meet in a central location for food, fellowship, and activities. The mission of this group … Continue reading

Posted in YCSSF | 3 Comments